Washington Field Sobriety Tests
Email us today for help and answers.
Washington State DUI law and the field sobriety test.
Washington field sobriety tests – just say NO.
Field sobriety tests are not required by Washington State law. Regardless of why you are pulled over or the officer’s suspicions, you are under no obligation to take these tests. If you have been pulled over by Snohomish County law enforcement, or by any other law enforcement agency in Washington State for that matter, you have an absolute right to refuse to submit to any field sobriety tests, and you should refuse to take them. Be polite, but firm.
Get your questions answered with a FREE consultation from a knowledgeable Snohomish County DUI attorney.
At our law offices, we often hear from our clients that they felt they had no choice in whether to perform what we like to deem as “roadside gymnastics” at the siting officer’s request. Our Snohomish County DUI lawyers are here to better help you understand Washington State DUI law and how it affects your situation. If you’ve been charged with a drunk driving crime and found yourself in circumstances where you were asked to perform field sobriety tests, you may have a lot of pressing questions. With our no-risk, cost-free consultation, we’re here to answer them and guide you in the next steps in putting your DUI nightmare in the past. Call now.
(425) 953-4337