Bothell DUI Attorneys

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Experienced Bothell drunk driving defense.

Experience often makes the difference between failure and success, and this is even more true when trying to decipher Washington drunk driving law for cases in Bothell, WA. It takes a combination of dedication, experience, and legal finesse to navigate the treacherous legal waters of the Washington court system. It also requires experience to negotiate with the Washington prosecutor because professional respect is only earned through years of previous interactions.

Our municipal court criminal defense lawyers are dedicated to resolving your case.

When we investigate a Bothell DUI case, the process is streamlined due to the decades of hard work that we’ve put into other cases. To put it simply: We know where to look for issues that could help you build a defense for the purpose of resolving your case.

Our Bothell DUI attorneys have decades of collective experience, dealing with every variety of WA drunk driving crime. We resolve hundreds of individual cases every year, and because of this we’ve learned that almost every case can be attacked to some degree. We would like the opportunity to resolve your case, but much will depend on the circumstances surrounding your arrest, and the nature of your police reports.

A Bothell DUI charge may feel like an insurmountable catastrophe, but it is not. Don’t let the emotional upheaval of a DUI arrest prevent you from taking fast action to mitigate the damage in whatever way possible. Our Bothell DUI lawyers have the experience, skills, and qualifications to defend your interests every step of the way.

Snohomish County drunk driving penalties should be taken very seriously.

Our Bothell DUI attorneys will first want to identify and explain the penalties associated with your particular crime. Staying out of jail and remaining legally licensed to drive are two of the primary objectives for most of our clients.

You should also take time to address the emotional strain that a Bothell DUI can cause. The prospect of spending time in jail or being unable to drive for an extended period can cause problems in your personal life and at work. Indeed, minimizing DUI penalties in whatever way possible is a very good place to focus your energy.

Your first Washington State DUI conviction will incur mandatory penalties that include…

  • Fines of up to $5,000.
  • Up to 364 days in jail.
  • A 90-day driver’s license suspension. (You will also be required to obtain expensive SR-22 (high risk) auto insurance and retain it for three years after your license is reinstated).

There are also discretionary penalties that a judge could impose, including alcohol counseling classes and being required to install an interlock ignition device on your car. A Bothell DUI conviction will also cause you to possess a criminal record – possibly the most damaging penalty of all.

Different drunk driving crimes incur their own specific penalties, so careful attention is required. For instance, when you first look at the penalties incurred for a Bothell Minor DUI conviction, they seem far less severe than a DUI for an adult. However, when a young person acquires a criminal record it can affect their ability to get a good job just as they are getting started in the working world.

Our Bothell DUI lawyers understand how important every drunk driving case is to our clients, and they will treat your case with the urgency it demands. The outcome of your case may depend on the actions you take right now, so if you want to minimize your penalties as much as possible then you shouldn’t delay.

Call for your FREE consultation and inquire about our affordable payment plans.

Have you been arrested for a DUI crime in Bothell, WA? If so, then you need to talk to one of our Bothell DUI attorneys without delay. The prosecution won’t allow you to miss any important deadlines without paying the price, so call us today and tell us your side of the story so that we can protect your legal rights.

(425) 953-4337